Pleunie Buyink / PLACED ARTWORKS

Art works placed in star restaurant on cruiseboat

Art works placed in a residential project of Studio Liv

Residential project in the Nedertherlands, collaboration with studio Piet Boon

Residential appartment in the Nedertherlands, collaboration with studio LIV

Residental house in the Netherlands, collaboration with studio LIV

Residential project in the Nedertherlands, collaboration with studio LIV

Objects placed in offices/ public spaces/ residential projects in the Nedertherlands, collaboration with Art Company Eindhoven

Serie objects placed in a residential house, collaboration with Art Company

Serie objects placed in a residential house in Belgium

Framed artwork placed in a residental house in the Netherlands, collaboration with studio LIV

Artwork placed in a residental house in the Netherlands, collaboration with Linda Lagrand

Objects placed in house of farewell in the Netherlands,
collaboration with Art Company Eindhoven

Trilogy placed in a residental house in the Netherlands, collaboration with studio LIV

Residential home in the Nedertherlands

Serie objects placed in a champagne room, residential house, Best, the Netherlands, collaboration with Mr & Mr Living

Object placed in a meeting room, collaboration with Art Company

Pleunie Buyink ©